Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Amy Krupa

19.17% of schools are at risk in Orange County.  

26% of schools are At-risk in Orange County in a 1 mile buffer. 

My Orange County map shows the number of schools in the Orange County area.  It shows the At-risk schools that are in a 1/2 mile buffer of toxic facilities zones and 1 mile buffer of toxic facilities zones. Policies should take into account the number of toxic facilities in areas where it is a densely populated.  In addition, the schools that could be affected by the Toxic Facilities should take all safety precautions.  My Orange County maps show that in a 1 mile buffer, more schools are at risk than in a 1/2 mile buffer. Furthermore, it shows that Northwest of Orange County, there is an abundance of schools and toxic facilities compared to Southeast.  A majority of these schools could be placed in other areas away from the toxic facilities.  The 1/2 mile buffer zone image (2nd image) shows more tract areas affected by toxic facilities than in the 1 mile buffer zone image (3rd image).  
The Orange County government should assist residents and schools in managing and reducing waste.  In addition, the implications on my maps show that the majority of schools are affected by toxic facilities.  The data that was used were by ToxMap and UCLAMapShare.